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Lucas Greville

Integrative and Comparative Physiology

I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Psychology Department at Mount Allison University. I have broad research interests in behavioural physiology and animal/human behaviour, as well as how humans learn and interact with nature.

I am an active member of my academic institute instructing introductory and upper year courses, as well as sitting on multiple university and departmental committees

Scroll below to take a closer look at my academic journey!



I have always enjoyed discussing and teaching others about the magic of science! As an undergraduate I began my first formal teaching position in higher education, and my love for teaching has only increased throughout my graduate career. I have been fortunate enough to instruct upper year university courses, and am eager to continue training others in scientific thinking for years to come.

Winter 2020

LifeSci 4X03: The BioPsychology of Sex

McMaster University

School of Integrated Sciences

Explore topics in the scientific study of human sexuality from an anatomical, behavioural, and cultural perspective. Topics may include reproductive anatomy, gender identity, gender in sports, and sexually transmitted diseases.

Course Outline

Fall 2020/2021/2023, Winter 2018

Psychology 3M03: Motivation and Emotion

McMaster University

Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
Examine the biological basis of motivation and emotion in humans and other mammals through an integration of evolutionary, physiological, developmental, and social perspectives

Course Outline

Winter 2020

Explore 3IE1: Bat Ecology & Human Interactions

McMaster University

Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
Discuss the overlap of bat ecology and human culture through exploring topics such as agriculture and pest control, the spread and prevention of mammalian disease, and influences on renewable energy

Course Outline


Graduate TA
Various Courses

McMaster University

Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour
Assist in instructing undergraduate courses in anatomy, neuroscience, animal behaviour, and scientific inquiry

Please see CV for list of courses & guest lectures  


Undergraduate Lab TA
Anatomy and Physiology

McMaster University

Department of Kinesiology

Design and lead weekly lab sessions using anatomical models, cadaver specimens, and dissections to provide everyday applications of course content

01 Research

My scientific interests are focused in the realm of physiology and behaviour. My main area of study is evaluating the potential for sex steroids to act as pheromones. More simply, how steroids produced in one individual's body can be excreted into the environment and alter a second individual's physiology or behaviour. While such phenomena have been well studied in rodents, I am currently evaluating this potential in big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus). I approach this question from a variety of angles, as well as find time to work on a variety of hobby projects.

Sex Steroid Transfer Among Conspecifics

Using radioactive tracers I have demonstrated cutaneous and intranasal absorption of steroids in bats, and the reliable transfer of steroids between conspecifics to neural, reproductive, and peripheral tissues. The transfer of these steroids may lead to behavioural or physiological changes in the receiver.

Quantification of Urinary Steroids

Individuals naturally secrete bioactive sex steroids in their urine. I non-invasively collect urine from bats and have begun to quantify endogenous steroid levels across their annual reproductive cycle.

Urinary steroids are a suspected vector in the transfer of steroids between individuals mentioned above.

Olfactory Sex Discrimination in the Big Brown Bat

Olfactory signals provide an individual with an abundance of information about its environment and the individuals around them. Using an experimental Y-maze, we are able to evaluate bats' behavioural responses to the odours of male and female conspecifics and determine if the odour influences which area of the maze a bat chooses to spend more time in.

Influences of Stress on Gonadotropin Inhibitory Hormone 

Gonadotropin Inhibitory Hormone (GnIH) is a peptide molecule critical in the suppression of reproduction in an individual. As both humans and other animals are known to undergo decreased fertility and sexual behaviour in the presence of stress, I am investigating changes in GnIH secreting neurons in bats following prolonged restraint stress.

Comparative Wound Healing

Bat biologists commonly biopsy the wing membrane of bats in order to collect biological samples or to mark individuals in the field. Bats also frequently damage their wings through interactions with the environment and conspecifics. Depending on the species, I have shown that the location of a wound within a bat's wing influences the time taken to heal.

Reproductive Toxicology

Many consumer products contain chemicals that leech into our bodies and affect our natural regulatory systems. I have shown that some of these chemicals bind to receptors throughout the body and mimic estrogen signalling, thus altering an individual's reproductive state.


03 Publications, Talks, And Media


Download   Greville LJS, Hou L, Kumbhani HAW, Nogueira e Figueira B, Vanderwolf KJ, Lets RAC, Sivatheesan M, Pianta TP,

                        McGuire L (2024). Echoes through time: amazing inferences from a fossil batBMC Zoology, 9, 3.


Download   Alonge MM, Greville LJS, Ma X, Faure PA, Bentley GE (2023). Acute restraint stress rapidly impacts reproductive                                                   neuroendocrinology and downstream gonad function in big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus). Journal of Experimental Biology,                               226.

Download   Sullivan IR, Adams DM, Greville LJS, Faure PA, Wilkinson GS (2022). Big brown bats experience slower epigenetic ageing                                     during hibernationProceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289, 20220635.

Download   Alonge MM, Greville LJS, Faure PA, Bentley GE (2022). Immunoreactive distribution of gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone                                     precursor, RFRP, in a temperate bat species (Eptesicus fuscus). Journal of Comparative Neurology, 530(9), 1459–1469.

Download   Greville LJS, Bueno LM, Pollock T, Faure PA (2022). Quantification of urinary sex steroids in the big brown bat (Eptesicus                                 fuscus). Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 95(1), 22–34


Download   Greville LJS, Tam AG, Faure PA (2021). Evaluating odour and urinary sex preferences in big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus).                                     Canadian Journal of Zoology, 99(10), 930–938.

Download   Wilkinson GS, Adams DM, Haghani A, Lu AT, Zoller J, Breeze CE, Arnold BD, Ball HC, Carter G, Cooper LN, Dechmann DKN,                                   Deanna P, Fasel NJ, Galazyuk AV, Günther L, Hurme E, Jones G, Knörnschild M, Lattenkamp EZ, Li CZ, Mayer F, Reinhardt JA,                             Medellin RA, Nagy M, Pope B, Power ML, Ransome RD, Teeling EC, Vernes SC, Zamora-Mejías D, Zhang J, Faure PA,                                           Greville LJ, Horvath S (2021) DNA methylation predicts age and provides insight into exceptional longevity of batsNature                                 Communications, 12, 1615.

Download   Mondal T, Muddaluru V, Jaafar A, Gupta S, Greville LJ, Gorter JW (2020) Transition of adolescents with congenital                                                   heart disease from pediatric to adult congenital cardiac care: Lessons from a retrospective cohort studyJournal of Transition                             Medicine1, Open-Issue.

Download   Greville LJ, Pollock T, Faure PA, deCatanzaro D (2020) Seasonal transfer and quantification of urinary estradiol in the big brown

              bat (Eptesicus fuscus)General and Comparative Endocrinology, 286, 113321.


Download   Pollock T, Greville LJ, Weaver R, Radenovic M, deCatanzaro D (2019) Bisphenol S modulates concentrations of bisphenol A and

              oestradiol in female and male mice. Xenobiotica, 49(5), 540–548.


Download   Greville LJ, Ceballos-Vasquez A, Valdizón-Rodríguez R, Caldwell JR, Faure PA (2018) Wound healing in wing membranes of the

              Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus) and the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus). Journal of Mammalogy99(4), 974–982.


Download   Greville LJ, Pollock T, Salter JC, Faure PA, deCatanzaro D (2017) Progesterone transfer among cohabitating female big brown                               bats (Eptesicus fuscus). General and Comparative Endocrinology247, 199–204.


Download   Pollock T, Greville LJ, Tang B, deCatanzaro D (2016) Triclosan elevates estradiol levels in serum and tissues of cycling and peri-

              implantation female mice. Reproductive Toxicology, 65, 394–401.


Download   deCatanzaro D, Pollock T, Greville LJ, Faure PA (2014) Estradiol transfer from male big brown bats (Eptesicus fuscus) to the

              reproductive and brain tissues of cohabiting females, and its action as a pheromone. General and Comparative Endocrinology,                 208, 126–133.

            Selected Talks

                   Greville LJ, Pollock T, deCatanzaro D, Faure PA, (2022) Urinary Steroids as Reproductive Pheromones: Insights from Endocrine                                and Behavioural Experiments with Eptesicus fuscus. Joint meeting of the 50th North American Symposium on Bat Research and                        the 19th International Bat Research Conference, Austin, Texas, USA. (Talk).

                   Greville LJ, Bueno LM, Pollock T, Faure PA, (2021) Age, Sex, and Seasonal Comparisons of Urinary Estradiol in the Big Brown

              Bat. 6th Biennial North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology Meeting, Virtual Conference. (Talk).

                   Greville LJ, Bueno LM, Pollock T, Faure PA (2021) Quantification urinary sex steroids in the big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus).                                   Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology, Virtual Conference. (Talk).


                   Greville LJ, Pollock T, deCatanzaro D, Faure PA (2020) Seasonal Variation in Estradiol Transfer Among Male and Female Big Brown                           Bats. 2020 Annual Conference of the Animal Behaviour Society, Virtual Conference. (Talk).


View Here   Greville LJ (2020) Examining the Pheromonal Potential of Estradiol in the Big Brown Bat. McMaster University Department of                                 Psychology, Neuroscience & Behaviour Colloquium Series, Hamilton, Ontario, USA. (Talk).


                   Greville LJ, Pollock T, deCatanzaro D, Faure PA (2020) Seasonal Variation in Estradiol Transfer Among Male and Female Big Brown

              Bats. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, Texas, USA. (Talk).

         Greville LJ, Pollock T, Faure PA, deCatanzaro D (2019) Seasonal Variation in Male Urinary Estradiol and Transfer to Female                             Conspecifics in E. fuscus. 49th North American Symposium on Bat Research, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. (Talk).


                   Greville LJ, Pollock T, Faure PA, deCatanzaro D (2019) Seasonal Variation in Estradiol Transfer Among Male and Female Big Brown

              Bats. 5th Biennial North American Society for Comparative Endocrinology Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, USA. (Poster).

                   Greville LJ, Pollock T, Faure PA, deCatanzaro D (2019) Seasonal Variation in Estradiol Transfer Among Male and Female Big Brown

              Bats. 49th Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. (Talk).

                   Greville LJ, Pollock T, deCatanzaro D, Faure PA (2018) Quantifying Unconjugated Urinary Steroids in the Big Brown Bat Across the

              Reproductive Cycle. 9th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Poster).

                   Greville LJ, Pollock T, Faure PA, deCatanzaro D (2018) Quantifying Unconjugated Urinary Steroids in the Big Brown Bat Across the

              Reproductive Cycle. 46th Southern Ontario Reproductive Biology Conference, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. (Talk).

                   Greville LJ, Pollock T, Salter JC, deCatanzaro D, Faure PA (2017) Quantifying Steroid Transfer and Urinary Steroids in Female Big

              Brown Bats. 47th North American Symposium on Bat Research, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. (Talk).

                   Greville LJ, Salter JC, Pollock T., deCatanzaro D, Faure PA (2017) Progesterone Transfer Amongst Cohabitating Big Brown Bats

              (Eptesicus fuscus). 54th Annual Conference of the Animal Behaviour Society, Scarborough Ontario, Canada. (Poster).

                   Greville LJ, Pollock T, deCatanzaro D, Faure PA (2015) Estradiol Transfer from Male to Female and Between Female Conspecifics                             in Big Brown Bats. 45th North American Society for Bat Research, Monterey, California, USA. (Talk).

                   Greville LJ, Pollock T, deCatanzaro D, Faure PA (2014) 3H-Estradiol Transfer from Male Big Brown Bats to Cohabitating Females.

              44th meeting of the North American Society for Bat Research, Albany, New York, USA. (Talk).


Read Here   Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Science News: Sending the bat signal - through pee (Farrar, 2020)

            Science Communication

Read Here   Leaving the Bat Cave, ComSciConversation Blog (Greville, 2020)

Read Here   Bats: Birds & the Bees, Canadian Bat Box Project Newsletter Spring 2023 (Greville, 2023)


Thanks for stopping by! If you have questions regarding my research, collaborations, or opportunities please feel free to shoot me a message!

Lucas Greville, PhD

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